Administrative Assistant/Recruiter

2018-06-22 12:07
Language on Demand

●전화로 구인정보관련문의 가능여부
정부계약 회사로서 통역, 번역, 외국어 교육 등을 제공함.

>Job Title: Administrative Assistant/Recruiter
>Location: Japan
>Schedule: 40 hours/week plus OT (as needed)

Language On Demand, Inc. (LOD) is seeking an Administrative Assistant/Recruiter to support the company and the
Project Manager with our contracts overseas. We seek a person who can work as a team and contribute his or her unique talents to his or her workplace. LOD is a government contracting company focusing on providing language services to government entities as well as private sectors. Our office is located in Annandale, VA (USA).

>Daily Duties
 Manage and maintain key relationships with staff and instructors
 Support the company/project manager with general administrative duties
 Recruit new language instructors/culture trainers using different methods on an as-needed basis
 Need to be creative with online tools in the event such resources are exhausted
 Maintain workflow by studying methods implementing cost reduction and developing reporting procedures
 Respond to emails and inquiries in a timely, friendly, and professional manner
 Manage reports, time sheets, payment information, and other documents to ensure information is accurate
 Train new instructors

>Required Qualifications
 Strong interpersonal, verbal and written communication, presentation, and technical communication skills Fluent in English
 Positive, detail oriented, hardworking, and able to multi-task Able to work in a fast paced environment
 Experience with Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, and Excel Strong organizational and project management skills
 Ability to prioritize tasks, work under deadlines, and juggle multiple tasks/assignments High level of motivation and initiative
 Ability to work as a team
 Willing to travel domestically and internationally
 Authorized to work without a visa sponsorship in Japan

>Salary Requirement:
$40,000; benefits included.

To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, and a list of at least two references to Please reference “Administrative Assistant/Recruiter” in the subject line. For more information on our company, please visit
시 부터시까지
토/일 휴무, 공휴일 휴무


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월까지 지불

일상회화 가능레벨
●그 밖의외국어
영어로 이메일 소통 가능
●그 밖의 자격조건
리크루팅 경험, 외국어 교육 경력, 컴퓨터 능통, 긍정적이고 성실하신 분. 비자 스폰서 없이 일 가능하신 분.
●이력서 접수
이력서를 로 보내주세요
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Sun Lee
전체 397

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